When you breathe, you inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. The oxygen is absorbed into the blood through the lungs and is then transported to the heart, from where the heart distributes it throughout the body. You may not understand the importance of this cycle unless you’ve got to be without oxygen for as less as a minute. You’ll instantly feel suffocated and out of breath.
There has to be sufficient oxygen in the blood at all times. If there isn’t, the organs of the body won’t receive the oxygen they need to function properly, and prolonged durations without sufficient oxygen can lead to irreversible organ damage and even failure.
In individuals who suffer from certain health conditions that may affect oxygen saturation, monitoring oxygen levels in the blood is critical. This can be done through a pulse oximeter.
Read this blog post to learn what a pulse oximeter is and how it can help you monitor your health.
What is a Pulse Oximeter?
A pulse oximeter is a small probe that’s attached to the finger or earlobe to measure the oxygen saturation in the patient’s body. Pulse oximetry is a non-invasive testing method to monitor blood oxygen levels in patients at risk of hypoxia (dangerously low levels of blood oxygen).
How Can Pulse Oximetry Help Monitor Health?
There are several instances when monitoring oxygen saturation is critical. With a pulse oximeter, you can know when the patient’s oxygen level is dropping, and you can get them medical attention at the right time. If the declining oxygen level goes undetected, it can be fatal for the patient.
Let’s have a look at some cases where pulse oximetry can help monitor health.
During and After Surgery
Most surgeries require sedating the patient. Sedation can decrease oxygen saturation by as much as 10 to 15%. If the oxygen saturation drops too low, the vital organs and parts of the body, like the brain, heart, and lungs, may stop functioning. Therefore, monitoring oxygen saturation during and after surgeries is critically important. The medical staff would know if the oxygen level is dropping too low, and they can act to save the patient at the right time.
Monitoring Lung Condition
Pulse oximetry can also help monitor how well the lungs are functioning. Since it’s the lungs where the oxygen from the air is absorbed into the blood, fluctuations in the oxygen saturation can help doctors identify lung-related conditions. Pulse oximetry plays a vital role in managing patients with lung cancer, COVID-19, and other lung conditions.
Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition in which the breathing stops for brief moments and can result in the parts of the body not receiving sufficient oxygen. A pulse oximeter can help monitor oxygen saturation during sleep which can be a helpful tool in the diagnosis and management of sleep apnea.
These are just some of the many ways in which a pulse oximeter can help monitor some parts of our health. If you or anyone in your family suffers from a health condition that may affect oxygen saturation, it’s wise to invest in a pulse oximeter. We at iHealth Labs have the most accurate pulse oximeters. You can check the store and have a look at what we’ve got to offer.